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6 days Jordan Experience 5nt - JORD

6 Day Jordan Tour of Amman and Petra

Travel to the ‘Rose City’ of Petra, the highlight on this Jordan trip. But there’s more to discover as you learn about Jordanian culture with the Khzoz family, have dinner with a Bedouin tribe and spend a soulful night gazing at the clear night’s sky when you stay in Wadi Rum desert.

Day Location Description
1 Welcome to Amman Tread in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia, crusading knights and Bedouin tribes, who once crossed the length and breadth of Jordan leaving their mark on its mystical desert landscapes. Our springboard to the spellbinding ancient trading history of Jordan is the white stone city of Amman, which you will have an opportunity to explore at your leisure after being transferred to your hotel from the airport. Meet your fellow travellers this evening for a Welcome Drink followed by dinner. Accommodation - Boulevard Arjaan by Rotana Included Meals - Dinner
2 Explore Ancient Jerash This morning, we embark on a city tour of Amman to see its Citadel, Archaeological Museum, Roman Amphitheater and Folklore Museum. Our next stop is to Iraq al-Amir where we’ll visit the Iraq al-Amir Women's Association for a MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experience. Learn first-hand how they make soap from olive oil and craft greeting cards and note books from recycled paper. Try your hand at making your own before enjoying a lunch prepared by the women. We continue to the ancient city of Jerash, a favourite city of the Roman emperor Hadrian and an important stop on the incense and spice trade route to the Mediterranean. Amble past its soaring Corinthian columns and view its almost intact city walls, before returning to the seven hills of Amman, where tonight we’ll Connect With Locals over an exclusive Be My Guest experience with a local family featuring Jordanian favourites for dinner. Accommodation - Boulevard Arjaan by Rotana Included Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
3 Onwards to Petra The enchanting rose-red façades of Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, beckon. Your journey continues on the fabled King’s Highway to visit Mount Nebo, one of the most revered holy sites of Jordan and the place where Moses is buried. You’ll see the Madaba Mosaic Map that covers the floor of the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George in Madaba and ascend to the Crusader Shobak Castle, perched on the side of a mountain. Arriving in Petra later, you’ll join a Bedouin tribe for a traditional dinner in their camp, under the clear night sky. Accommodation - Petra Guest House Hotel Included Meals - Breakfast, Dinner
4 Discover Colorful Petra and Scenic Wadi Rum Imagine silk and spice caravans plying their wares as we Dive Into Culture and enter this mystical trading city through the narrow Siq, flanked by towering cliffs soaring 80 meters high. Emerging from the path, the stone façade of the Treasury with its ornate decoration looms ahead – the first of many wonders to be explored. Leaving this ancient wonder behind, you’ll trek through the timeless landscapes of the Wadi Rum desert, once described by T.E. Lawrence as 'vast, echoing and god-like'. Check into your luxury accommodation in Bedouin tents and soak up the endless desert landscapes. Watch a breath-taking sunset lighting up the surrounding sandstone mountains in brilliant golden hues, then gaze up as the day turns to night and the star-studded sky takes centre stage for the rest of the evening. Accommodation - Bedouin Camp Included Meals - Breakfast, Dinner
5 Journey to Amman This morning, we embark on a jeep tour through the desert watching the landscape rise almost 2,000 meters from the desert floor, amidst which you’ll find canyons, waterholes and rock paintings that span millennia. Return to Amman for your final night in Jordan, enjoying a Farewell Dinner with your travel companions. As the sun sets on this magical city, listen to the mystical call of the muezzin and reminisce over an enchanting trip into antiquity. Accommodation - Boulevard Arjaan by Rotana Included Meals - Breakfast, Dinner
6 Farewell Jordan This morning, we bid farewell to this extraordinary land. Included Meals - Breakfast