A BIG Welcome from PERX.com to all of our Dargal clients and subscribers. We are excited about completing the transition to a combined organization and trust that we will be able to better serve you. We expect you will have questions so please find answers to the most common questions below. Of course, your Vacation Consultant is available to answer anything not covered below or feel free to contact our customer service staff directly at customerservice@perx.com or call toll free 1-888-737-9266 and they will happy to assist.
Questions and Answers
What happens to the money I have already paid?
It’s still here! All Dargal bookings are still active and all money paid is still applied as promised. If you have a bump credit or any other type of credit it will flow over and you may apply it to your new PERX booking with the same terms and conditions.
Am I still financially protected?
Of course! All bookings and credits have flowed into the new system and we will take care of you with the great service you expect and deserve.
Will my price change for the vacation I’ve already booked?
No! All confirmed reservations will be transferred over with no price changes. As always, prices are subject to change until a booking is made and deposit is paid.
Will there be as much choice and value for the money?
Absolutely! PERX and Dargal have been affiliated for years and have always had the same great deals. If anything, our further combined efforts will help us get even better deals going forward.
Why did this happen? I liked Dargal.
PERX and Dargal have been affiliated for years, maintaining two call centers with the same great deals. Combining our efforts will simply streamline everything so that we may serve you better. Your preferred Vacation Consultant will still be available to you at PERX, and you may still contact them at their direct toll-free number, extension or e-mail address. Same great people, just a different name.
Will I get a new confirmation invoice?
No, there is no need as the current documentation is valid for any vacation you have already purchased.
Is my booking safe with the cruise line/resort?
Of course! PERX and Dargal have been affiliated for years and have worked jointly with our vendors to negotiate the great deals we have for our clients. Our vendors are aware of our new combined efforts and all current bookings will be protected.
Can we safely book with this company? Have you done this because of COVID-19?
While COVID-19 has changed many things and streamlining efforts now makes sense due to the current climate, you may rest assured that we will be here on the other side of the global crisis. Our company has made sure to be in a position to take care of our clients throughout the situation and we will be here to make sure your vacation goes smoothly.
Did Dargal go out of business?
No! PERX and Dargal have shared the same ownership for many years and have offered the same deals to our clients, just under different names. We are simply all working together now under the PERX brand. You may still contact your preferred Vacation Consultant directly as you always have in the past.
Do I need to create a new account for the website?
No. Your current Dargal login (email address/password) will allow you to access PERX.com to see all the discounted rates for which you are eligible. If you had both Dargal and PERX logins, please use the current PERX.com login, as the Dargal login will no longer work in this case.
I cannot log in to PERX.com
As of September 1, 2020 your existing Dargal login (email address/password that you have used in the past for Dargal) will allow you to access PERX.com to see all the discounted rates for which you are eligible. Please note that if you already have both Dargal and PERX logins, you will use the PERX.com login, as your Dargal login will no longer work in this case. If you have troubles with your account or need assistance, please contact our customer service staff at customerservice@perx.com or 1-888-737-9266 and they will be happy to assist you.
I don't know/I forgot my password
It's easy to reset your password. Click here and enter your e-mail address (the one you use to login) and we'll send instructions to reset it. If you have troubles with resetting or require assistance, please contact our customer service staff at customerservice@perx.com or 1-888-737-9266 and they will be pleased to help.